Created by John 3 years ago

Rod, so sad to hear of your passing, I have so many memories of life at Askham Bryan. We first met in 1975, me as a very green student and you just started on the pig unit with Chris Hollas, in fact that was the last time I saw you at Chris's funeral. As students we enjoyed being with you on duties, you supported every single on of us and you had a sense of humour!.

When I started work on the farm in 76- for a year or 18 months, you were the first to welcome me back and over the next 25 years we worked together it was always a pleasure, In serious moments you could always be relied on for sound advice, at other times good humour and lots of support often over a cup of tea in the pig sitting room at 10 o'clock.

You were the best stockman I ever worked with, cattle, pigs, sheep, it didn't matter,  you had more than a sixth sense, you understood animals. I never heard anyone, staff or student have a bad word for you, even George Green held said you were OK, so you must have been good!!

Rest in peace and thanks for the memories Rod, it was a pleasure and honour to work with you and be a friend. 
